second day working at fep. sales are picking up today. i'm not happy today due to some politics issue but i think i'll (try to) get over it soon.
felt dizzy around 9pm as i realised i haven't take any food except for a few pieces of tarlets for the entire day.
i've learnt handsign when i was in poly year 1. quitted after a few weeks of lesson. today, i met 2 customers and i tried to use handsign, i'm glad they understood what i'm trying to convey and i felt sad when they tried to speak but all that came out was " eee....oooo....aaaa...."
my heart sunk and i felt really sad. she told me it's a blessing that they can even make sounds, some can't even produce a slighest pitch of voice.
look earthlings, we are so fortunate! and i feel proud when i told her my name using handsign and she's pauline! :D
i always find that my voice sounds so awful but look, some cant even speak! ):

i needa sleep soon, working at parco tomorrow, I WILL MISS FAR EAST FOR SURE!
p/s: be thankful.