i grab 3 books from the shelves and started throwing. and fuck! i missed all 3 shots! ):
im too mad and tired, so i decided to just stare at it! it's directly infront of the door, i cant even get my pesticide(and i totally don't remember where is it)
apparently, huishan taught me way which is totally insane.
use a containter right
throw over it
trap it inside right
cause it wont crawl onto the wall
so hor
slide a paper underneath
flip open
and throw it outside!
dont kill it hor
WTF??? if i dare to even approach it, i wouldn't have threw books over.
i'm working morning shift tomorrow! which means this fucking grasshopper is depriving my sleep! so out of exasperation, i grab my notebook and a random ikea mag from the desk.
well this time, i need to be more accurate! CAN YOU BELIEVE I WAS FROM THE SHOOTING CLUB?! (tho i didn't really excel in it, ohwell)
so... i'm still blogging now. do you think i manage to kill it?
i'm not sleeping with a grasshopper hopping around my room! EFFT!