Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
about 6 months ago
this wasn't really a group photo as kenny&andrew + yika wasn't around. but i kinda love this pic!
fyi, the red mark above my lips isn't a pimple! i cut myself while shaving! ):
(btw, i was so happy ydee cut his hair because hmm.. um... he don't look as good as before! BAHAHAH! omg, i know im damn bad but you know the stress im facing in the shop?!)
phew~ at least i can try to be confident for a few more weeks before his hair starts growing back! :P
it was during one of the random days at work.
kenny asked, so who's your favourite local designer in singapore?
kenny asked, so who's your favourite local designer in singapore?
i answered . sabrina goh? i love her designs.
-end of conversation-
this christmas, i actually received my first sabrina goh! OMG! unbelievable!
it's not like i'm constantly talking about her label. that was the only time i told them, and they remember.
aww... that was sweet. but i have to say i kinda have mixed feelings. well, i'm always the one getting scolded if you havent realised. BAHAHA. (wait, daen please don't tell them hor!)
so edgar got a shades from hide&seek. ydee got a bag and necklace from actuallyactually. yika got a necklace(that weighs a ton) from blackmarket. lala got a bag from furmuse.
:D it was indeed a merry christmas!
we had our dinner at ps cafe along ann siang hill. the ambience was great! nice food and cakes. so far, one of my best christmas party!
daen joined us for our party. well, he is going to be singapore next model. HAHAH! :D
talking about model, i got so pissed that day while i was shopping in river island. this group of fillippino next top model tried the earrings that are placed at the rack. i got so pissed and i told them off! i even pointed to the board that wrote "for personal hygiene, no trying of earrings".
seriously wtf?! then, the staff approached(as i guess my voice was kinda loud). she said that the maids ought to buy them cos she already tried it on. truth is, she is a maid enjoying herself outside since it was christmas eve and she got off days. she got no money to buy a 65.90 earring.
okay, immediately i felt pretty bad because i was kinda nosy. ): but they are really annoying by blocking the way and i swear they just KEEP trying the earrings. it was really unhygienic.
well, i didn't know what happened after that cos i left after buying a bag!
er... why am i talking about this when im supposed to blog about christmas? oh whatever. HAHA!
more visuals tomorrow! :D
Saturday, December 25, 2010
merry chirstmas! :D 2010
as usual, spending xmas eve at home.
not a bad thing tho, at least i get to rest my throat. am really not feeling very well. coughing loudly in the shop today. i guess parco must be filled with all the germs and viruses from me! ):
on my way home.
BOY: why just now you didn't buy the top? i thought you like it?
GIRL: yah, i like it but like very revealing leh
BOY: since when you scared of revealing, i know why la. expensive right?
GIRL: *nods*
BOY: i buy for you la! as xmas gift
GIRL: don't want la! dont waste money 39.90 leh!
BOY: as long as you like it!
i didn't know typical drama scripts exist! sometimes i'm just so envious of these lovey dovey couples! ):
ah shit, i didn't have dinner tonight. feeling hungry now. ):
ugh, my blog is so dead. im no longer funny! bye!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
and before i forgot
just for future references, i bear grudges. i really do.
i know i might be a pushover/door mat(like what joy claimed) but for certain issues like hanging up my calls, i take it to heart.
i don't mind being called ugly, don't mind if you yell at me. but i guess you went too overboard this time. and i guess i really couldn't take it.
but still, thankyou.
i know i might be a pushover/door mat(like what joy claimed) but for certain issues like hanging up my calls, i take it to heart.
i don't mind being called ugly, don't mind if you yell at me. but i guess you went too overboard this time. and i guess i really couldn't take it.
but still, thankyou.
if you DON'T love the person, DO NOT give him/her any reason to love you more.
even if you feel lonely, even if you feel like having a person to message for the entire day.
it's like you made someone fall so hard on you when you do not have the slightest intention of catching him/her.
a simple text, a killer smile, a hint of romance would lead to an endless karma.
i know the night might be cold, sometimes too cold to deal with but please do not burn someone's heart just to warm your little selfish thought.
goodnight :)
even if you feel lonely, even if you feel like having a person to message for the entire day.
it's like you made someone fall so hard on you when you do not have the slightest intention of catching him/her.
a simple text, a killer smile, a hint of romance would lead to an endless karma.
i know the night might be cold, sometimes too cold to deal with but please do not burn someone's heart just to warm your little selfish thought.
goodnight :)
Friday, December 10, 2010
what i had for dinner?
this is available at LIANG COURT! alright sis bought this weeks ago. according to her it's the healthier version of maggie mee. why? because the mee is not grill/fried, it still got the flour flour texture! so i pressume it's fresh! ohoh, it comes with a packet of miso!

colour starts to change! omgomg!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
finally ah finally~
at last, i brought my new old toy out!
it's new because i havent been using it since i got it like a few months ago.
and of course, i photoshopped the photos to make them look slightly better. i kinda like the squarish 24x24. shall try 24x17 the next time! :D
don't think i'll be able to update this space for the rest of the week since i'm rather busy with common test! ): good luck to moiself! :D
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
really nothing
i've got no pictures to upload. basically, this space has been rather dusty recently.
i wonder why i've not been behaving in class, like showing unwanted/unnecessary reactions/attitude towards the teachers. im not trying to be heroic by talking back or whatsoever. something inside me just boil literally and got all my anger at the ready. i need to change, it's like im going to be all angst towards my friends/family.
(a matter of time, sooner or later)
i just get worked up easily, guess it's about the heat and lack of fluid intake. or maybe, you.
i wonder why i've not been behaving in class, like showing unwanted/unnecessary reactions/attitude towards the teachers. im not trying to be heroic by talking back or whatsoever. something inside me just boil literally and got all my anger at the ready. i need to change, it's like im going to be all angst towards my friends/family.
(a matter of time, sooner or later)
i just get worked up easily, guess it's about the heat and lack of fluid intake. or maybe, you.
it's been almost a week. friends of twitter should roughly know what's going on. not gna explain every details explicitly. good that if you know the whole story, so please bear with me throughout this unbearable period. i might just smash/slam/scratch/claw/bite/kick/punch you guys. (not to mention shout/scream/yell/wail/whine/swear at the top of my voice)
thankyou! and for the you-know-who(not lord voldemort, my dear) i will not keep you staying in heart without paying the rent! you better scram or i'll kick your ass.
p/s: my brain>my heart
(and to reward friends whom read till this point)
exclusively, i would say.
the last photo would be better if i didn't b&w it. just that it was taken using my lousy casio digital camera. thus, it got yellow-fied! ): lousy resolution.
but still, any votes for curly hair? or should i just keep straight bangs? ohgod. miserable bad hair week!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
huahua: have you watch RED?
lovell: YAH! damn nice!
Andy: what's that? got sex scene?
BAHAHAH! im just kidding!
btw, huahua said my pictures on my blog look so bitchy! ):
i think i look normal?
sorry for not having any updates recently! i'll try to upload some overdue pictures! :D
lovell: YAH! damn nice!
Andy: what's that? got sex scene?
BAHAHAH! im just kidding!
btw, huahua said my pictures on my blog look so bitchy! ):
i think i look normal?
sorry for not having any updates recently! i'll try to upload some overdue pictures! :D
Friday, November 12, 2010
weakness #1 - CATS
all my besties know that im super duper scared of cats!
during dinner today, there's this stray cat(which i suspect has got BIG BALLS), it pounced on one of the table(hello, got people eating halfway you know). i totally chua sai!
i was like O.O
praying my chanting mantra " not here please, not here please, not here please".
so one of the very kind malay decided to carry it away, gently put it on the floor.
so one of the very kind malay decided to carry it away, gently put it on the floor.
within 2 seconds, the cat pounced on the table again!! gombling any food in sight! super brave right? OMG! then the granny got so fed up, she totally grab the cat by it's fur and flick it off.
a starving cat is a scary cat. me? hahah. im scaredy cat! MUHAHAHHAA.
(refers to the above spastic pictures)
haven't really test out this nikon camera! ):
havent't really test out my diana Mini (i almost throw it away due to difficulty with loading the film)
joy told me not to blame the camera for not producing good quality pictures because the place which i developed them are not professional enough. she's a camera guru, so must listen to her.
but i wish i can really test out the roll of film i've bought! but still, how to load the film?! ):
should i go around phototaking since im not working?
OMG! i've got a plan. i should go like scenic spots in singapore and talk to people in english with japanese accent! super cool. HAHAHAH!
bye! just got prepare my cameras! going SNAP SNAP tmr! :D
okay, my english suck balls
im not capable of producing an entry with zero mistakes in my grammar or tenses. (especially when im super angsty)
hmm.. i wanted a tattoo real bad. not beause it's a hype. not due to peer pressure(i'm totally against the idea when van, hua and lovell got theirs 2 years ago).
i wanted it(refering to the picture i found) because i fall in love with it the moment i see it on my dashboard!
it's a tree.(not a normal tree)
it's a picture of a withered tree(drawn in a comic/cartoon way)
that comic/cartoon way is really a turn off(to others, like my sister and my friends).
somehow i got influenced. bah. im so useless.
lovell was saying if i really want a tattoo so bad, make sure it's of something personal, something that holds a strong belief in me.
(well, just like her butterfly tatto. BAHAHA! she said she wants to be like a butterfly, having a complete cycle of her life. and whatever nonsense which i forgotten)
but anyway, she makes sense. what has a withered tree got to do with me? i'm not that superficial to dig up a story to fit myself in.
i'll look for the one tattoo that i really think describe myself, my life and what i've always wanted.
most importantly, like what ruby said, something i wouldn't regret getting!
p/s: just like the skull tattoo van had. totally of no relevance to her life. now, she regrets getting that. BEH!
hmm.. i wanted a tattoo real bad. not beause it's a hype. not due to peer pressure(i'm totally against the idea when van, hua and lovell got theirs 2 years ago).
i wanted it(refering to the picture i found) because i fall in love with it the moment i see it on my dashboard!
it's a tree.(not a normal tree)
it's a picture of a withered tree(drawn in a comic/cartoon way)
that comic/cartoon way is really a turn off(to others, like my sister and my friends).
somehow i got influenced. bah. im so useless.
lovell was saying if i really want a tattoo so bad, make sure it's of something personal, something that holds a strong belief in me.
(well, just like her butterfly tatto. BAHAHA! she said she wants to be like a butterfly, having a complete cycle of her life. and whatever nonsense which i forgotten)
but anyway, she makes sense. what has a withered tree got to do with me? i'm not that superficial to dig up a story to fit myself in.
i'll look for the one tattoo that i really think describe myself, my life and what i've always wanted.
most importantly, like what ruby said, something i wouldn't regret getting!
p/s: just like the skull tattoo van had. totally of no relevance to her life. now, she regrets getting that. BEH!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
guys who can dress = GAYS? seriously, stfu!

LOOK AT THE MEGGINGS!!! who says only ladies can wear leggings?

don't tell me this is a picture of a girl's leg. LOOK AT THE LEG HAIR!

and seriously there's one picture that i saved (which i remember saving) was gone. but anyway, it was actually a random shot of the food fair in tokyo. and i swear inside that picture, none of the girls/guys cannot dress you know?!
i realised criticism are something lethal, girls are afraid of wearing makeup and dressing up because they are afraid that majority of the singaporean guys don't like it. they love girls with NATURAL LOOKING FACE! which is totally bullshit! (to quote from christie) if you want natural beauty right? i hope you don't mind her not shaving her armpit hair!! because every girl are born with it! so live it?
i realised criticism are something lethal, girls are afraid of wearing makeup and dressing up because they are afraid that majority of the singaporean guys don't like it. they love girls with NATURAL LOOKING FACE! which is totally bullshit! (to quote from christie) if you want natural beauty right? i hope you don't mind her not shaving her armpit hair!! because every girl are born with it! so live it?
epic failure.
Monday, November 8, 2010

met up with joy, ben and april on saturday and we watched MEGAMIND! i think i really like cartoons, because no matter what, the villain will be punished and good will eventually triumph over the evil!
"i'll fucking beat the shit out of you" epic sentence that i learnt that day. okay, i'll try to use it on mansor next time! btw, mansor is my malay classmate who scolded me that day. MUHAHAHA!
damn childish right? and oh, he pushed my table also. D:
boohoo! always kena bullied. i think im too kind! BAHAHAHAH!
i need to be fierce! *growls*
okay, back to the saturday. since it's past midnight after the movie, i hailed a cab.
we started to make small talks, we suddenly talked about family(don't ask me why either, we just started to talk about family, HAHAHA)
he told me that he was once very rich, his monthly income can be up to 20k. he speculate stocks. but one day, the bubble burst (what the hell is bubble?)
he got bankcrupt and his wife left him for another rich man. he told me that his wife owns 5 beauty salon now. super fucking rich but refuse to help him when he was down.
so, he went to take up courses to be a cab driver. now he earns extra hard to make a living.
he told me that he is living alone. without any kin not kith. ):
my heart totally went out for him!!! ): ):
he goes on to tell me not to give up, because he don't believes in GAME OVER!
after i made my payment, just right before i left, i said.
"uncle, 你要加油哦!世上无难事,只怕有心人"
the uncle just smiled and say thanks! :D
p/s: I MISS YOU! so fucking much! i hope this weekend will be a blast! can we spend quality time together? just the 2 of us?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
which date was it?
im so happy cos i only need to attend class on wednesday and thursday! friday is a public holiday!
i realised my content haven't been of any substance recently.
im so sorry cos im pretty busy with my wrecked life.
and bytheway, i just DIY-ed my new hoodie! SUPER NICE! i like!
i originally bought it from topman 2 years back, used to love it but got sick of it once the net started to produce it in large quantity!
cant wait to show you guys!!! BAHAHAHA
p/s: okay, what a boring post! BOO
Monday, November 1, 2010
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