(btw, this batwing zipper top is available at depression!)

okay, that's yika! though you guys cant really tell that she was wearing a bat-wing maxi dress. but indeed, she was. nice combination of her lace socks and wedges! :D and if you realised, her bracelet is actually made up of paper clips, pins, pearls etc... ASSORTED! dope ttm!

okay, so after everything ended, Kenny and Andrew bought us dinner! NICE NICE! the milk tea there was so authentic. yika and me was so sua gu to see dry ice! BAHAHAH! but anyway, the food there was so-so. but i ate quite alot! BEH! kenny was so worn out. from the counting of stocks, deciding the prices for the apparels, wrapping up. he is totally shagged! GOOD JOB!! excellent! :D MUHAHAHAHHAH
well, i guess that's all for the fashbash! :D
once again, till something bloggable! btw, i just uploaded my second look on loobook! i think i wouldn't get any hypes! *squat down and cry*
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