and.. CKone perfume and body spray, vanecia's blated thai present(which i had no idea what is it), jacket from my bosses. the rest are red packets from mum, aunt, sisterS. hahah
the first row, panda cup by OMGJOY and a card from her boyfriend! it's super sweet cos her boyfriend brought the card over to PARCO(the day im working). and his handwriting is pretty okay. well, mine is nicer tho! MUHAHAHHA. and i love the panda cup! so much that i scared im going to break it. but something bad about it, too small. i can finish my milo in just 3 second! (i mean cold milo) BAHAHAHA.
extreme right column is a hand made card from huishan. it's super creative. she made cards for me annually for about three years? the card she made this year is by far the best handicraft, the doll and the card. NICE! but content wise, there's still room for improvement! BAHAHAHA.
next beside, is the cupcakes and crane ring(which was really well taken).
ruby told me that she's looking for a crane ring. and after she explained the concept of the crane ring she wanted. i find it so beautiful and i asked yika whether does she knows any shop that are selling crane rings because i want it also(asshole right, i know). then little did i expect they wouldn buy the crane ring and tie it together with the ribbon attached to the cupcake box! i'm so stupid to not realise it until ruby got so frustrated and say, LOOK! HAHAHA. it's so nice! <3>
more photos coming up! :)
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